Graphic Design Internship
Create and redesign graphics with new CAL brand colors and typography. Generate social media graphics that connects national holidays with company's target audience.

This recruitment banner stand will be used to aid interest of potential employees by learning the accomplishments done by the CAL team.

The front and back of the referral business card that goes along with the recruitment process with more information about working for CAL.

Challenge: The biggest challenge I have came across was to learn that my initial design and composition will not be my final draft as many of these graphics have gone through many revisions and learning throughout the processĀ the reasons for the changes.
Value: I appreciate the extremely kind support as I come into the field of graphic design to learn more about what it takes to provide graphics for a company and how it will be used for the public to see. The knowledge I've gain through my colleagues is priceless and IĀ appreciate the opportunity they have given me!